Monday 25 August 2014

Measurement Race

Teams combined to race their way around a measurement trail laid out around the school. Here's some of the students using their basic facts and measurement knowledge to work out the problems at each station:
We worked out that if we measured one weatherboard, and the weatherboards are all uniform height, then we could work out how high the hall wall is.

Finding the volume of an object was a new challenge. Ask us how we did this.

Here we are trying to find the area of the netball court, and also estimating distances between objects

How many litres of water did we need to fill this bucket?

To find out the circumference of the room 3 garden we knew we had to measure the diameter and then multiply that answer by pi

Could we find an average speed on our classmates over the same distance? 

We also had to learn to work collaboratively in groups to solve the problems

How could we find the area of our classroom door? 


  1. How exciting! Great photos!

  2. Great measuring Room 3. Did you actually work out how high the hall was?

    1. Yes we did Mrs Hyslop. We measured a weatherboard (10cm) and then we counted how many weatherboards there were and some of us counted up in 10's and some of us multiplied 10cm x the number of weatherboards.

  3. I was in some of thos photos From Asha

  4. Great stuff Room 3!

    Ollie's mum

  5. It was a fun race but some parts were confusing. What race could we do next?

    1. Maybe you could design a measurement race for each other next? What parts confused you?

  6. how did you guy go on the running race

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. SOME THINGS I DID NOT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
