Wednesday 19 August 2015

Science Fair Fun

We've been loving all the different Science Inquiries that are happening in Room 3 at the moment. There are plants and seeds and bird feeders and crystals and eggs and all sorts being experimented on.

Today we all got excited about the catapult that Angus and his Dad made, for Angus and Hamish's experiment:

Can you hear Hamish talking about what their hyporthesis was? Do you think they proved or disproved their hypothesis?

1 comment:

  1. We watched the video and thought it was funny how it bounced off the front pole for the first try - and the expectation of it flying a long way changed pretty quickly . Was good to see several tries and measuring it in strides compared to a builders tape measure for length.
    We thought what a huge catapult ! well done Angus and his Dad for making it.
    Thanks for sharing - Trish, Angus & Maggie Thomson.
