Thursday 18 September 2014

Room 3 Elections

We have become quite interested in the general election in the last few days.  We found out at Assembly this morning that Gladstone School is a polling place.  We had some knowledge already of what politicians did like:

"they are on tv"
"they wear suits"
"they are like John Key"

Today we did some research about what main political parties there were in this years election and what some of their policies were. Here's some of the information we found out from what we knew and what we found on their websites:

We decided that we would like to have a vote too:
We had to look at the information we found out and decide what was important to us. How do you think we voted?

It turns out that Room 3 would have a Greens government! Do you want to know why? Ask us some questions about this.

This exercise was based on the Social Sciences learning objectives:

  • Understand how groups make and implement rules and laws.
  • Understand how formal and informal groups make decisions that impact on communities.


  1. I was a bit surprised at the vote because I thought it would be national labour and green .It was funny when Liam and Henry pulled out the votes because they took turns and basically every time they were like "green" "green" "green".

    1. I wonder if this is because we teach 'green' issues like being sustainable and taking care of the environment? Do you think what we teach you influences what you know about and then how you vote Anika?

  2. Room 3 - I like the way you did your research first and talked about the strengths and weaknesses of different parties. :) To me that is the best learning about voting.

    What was the most important thing for each of you when you were making up your mind for which party to vote for ?


  3. on Saturday my Dad went into the hall to vote and he said it was the warmest its probably ever been hahahaha

    1. WHAT!!!???HOW!!!It's never been warm before!!!And I've been there for about 6 years!!!Oh well.
