Monday 27 October 2014

Drum Making Tips

Here are some sites you can visit to get ideas for drum making. Remember you need to have a drum and/or shaker ready by tomorrow!

Also . . .
Shakers can be made by putting stones, in side a can and taping it up or:

In the past I have used the balloon method on used baked beans cans. We put stones (or similar) inside so we could get three sounds: Hit it with a chopstick like a drum, shake it, or scrape the side with a chopstick to get a 'scrapy' sound.

Chopsticks or cut bamboo make good drumsticks. 


  1. bang boom bang drum de drum
    p.s first one to comment

  2. bang boom bang drum de drum
    p.s first one to comment

  3. Yo cats and dogs remember to bring the drums into class tomorrow... bang boom bang
