Sunday 19 October 2014

More Vibrating Balloons

Carrying on from our last post about Vibrating Balloons that you can find here. We were asked a few questions by our parents about vibration using balloons, so we thought we'd try them out.
Here is Grace and Taylor checking out the water filled balloons.

Here is the question that started this off: "Very interesting way to measure sound Room 3. What if you put some water in the balloon?"

So we did. To start off with we tried to use our voices like we did in the plain balloons, to see if we could feel the vibrations

Sometimes we could. Then we noticed that we could see something happening to the water inside the was vibrating and rippling when the sound waves hit the balloon. This was interesting to us and led to experimenting with different types of sound (clapping, didgeridoo, strange noises) to see how they would affect the balloons and water inside:
Lorenzo and Anika tried out two different balloon types

There was some questioning about balloon position to limit vibration from
other factors. Here they are trying the balloons on the grass.

We suspended the balloons from the handrails and tried it all out
with Charlie's didgeridoo.


  1. Was it fun doing balloon sounds ?

  2. Yes it was very fun
    It was interesting too

  3. Do we have to do balloons?Couldn't we maybe try something else and see if it makes different vibration?

  4. Maybe we could use water balloons and fill it up with water and see if it is a different vibration!?
