Monday 29 June 2015

Homework and Movies - Notices for Parents


Happy Matariki to all the whānau of Room 3!

This week students are expected to complete all work given to them in Google Classroom, on their blogs and on any paper in class. If they do not complete their tasks in their books they will be sent home with them. Please check their bags each night to make sure they complete any work given to them in there (if there isn't a workbook in there then that means they've completed their work). Please send their books back to school the next day with them. Thanks for your help with this.

Further to this, today they were given the task of posting something about their days learning on their blog and also commenting on the story ending on our class blog here. If you check your child's blog and the class blog you can see the students who have completed these tasks.

I have discussed with the Principal how I'd like to show the students the movie 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', on Friday, to follow up on our reading of the first book in this series. If anyone would wish for their child to not watch this movie could you please make contact with me by Wednesday at the latest, thanks.

As part of our movie watching and end of term celebration we will be having a pajama day on Friday. Please make sure that even though the students in Room 3 are able to come in pajamas, that they are still suitably dressed for the weather and have shoes and socks for outdoor activities. Thanks again.


  1. What a fun teacher you are Micaela, Friday sounds like so much fun and just what they all need for the last day of a very long term. Eva is very excited.

  2. Great idea. Angus is really looking forward to it. Jo Fair

  3. Yes - I think Totara8 may be watching a video for the last few hours of the term - especially as it is forecast for rain !!!!!!
